The "Preferential Seal" is issued to qualifying offshore gaming entities licensed under the laws of Antigua and Barbuda and ensures the following: Directors and shareholders holding 5% or more for this company have met personal and corporate due diligence requirements.
- The software, which makes the odds for games played on this site, meets internationally recognized standards for fairness.
- The Company has its physical corporate headquarters and primary server in Antigua and Barbuda. The primary server(s) shall, as a minimum, contain all information relation to all players, including game history, financial history and current liabilities.
- Any site displaying the "Preferential Seal" can be validated by clicking on the image of the seal that is found the site. Clicking on a valid seal will take you to a webpage that states the seal is valid and displays basic information about the company whose seal was clicked. Clicking on an invalid seal will take you to a page stating the seal is invalid and will provide you with contact information so that you may report this offence.